Each year, we bring together leading news professionals, tech innovators, policymakers, filmmakers, and investors from across the world to discuss the future of news, tech, and policy.
News is the public square of our digital age. It empowers, entertains, shapes opinion, sparks debate and drives legislation. TMR pushes the industry to look within and provides a common platform to discuss the challenges and opportunities confronting it.
"This is my second year at TMR I’ve learned something new, I’ve been inspired by some of the people I’ve met, and I’ve got ideas to do things in my own organization when I go back, TMR is the only platform of its kind, and therefore it is succeeding where no one else is succeeding, and it is doing something that no one else is doing."
"I feel it is important that I am heard, by that I don’t mean individually, but that we are heard, we from the North East and TMR gives that platform."
"The Media Rumble is an important event because it’s a critique from within…the media is looking within, but it’s also asking others to look at itself, particularly at a time like this when the media is playing a very crucial role in shaping public opinion."
Newslaundry is a subscription-driven, independent news media company. It has been at the forefront of free speech advocacy and the need for an independent news model as well as a free and accountable press. Since its inception, Newslaundry has been committed to presenting current affairs stories in innovative and engaging formats including media critique, reportage, documentaries, podcasts, animation and comics.
The arts of India are unrivalled in their depth, diversity and mystery and showcasing it to global audiences requires a deep understanding of our culture, an acute sense of relevance in programming and an unflinching attention to detail. Above all, we at Teamwork believe in love and respect for the artist.